Programmes of Mission

Geeta Chanting by the students is an important programme of the Mission. This not only purifies the young minds but also helps them develop a sense of concentration to focus on. This also saves them from evil influences in their formative stage.
Every year, the Mission organizes Geeta Chanting Competition for the students of upto 10th std. Students are divided into various age groups. Sushree Nisheeth Khanna, a very energetic member and a Trustee of Chinmaya Mission, Amritsar was the moving spirit behind this annual feature of Geeta Chanting. She herself conducted regular workshops to train the teachers and students at Bhavan’s SL Public School with the help of booklets and audio – visual CDs, prepared specially for this purpose by Swami Brahmananda.
Sushree Neelam Sharma
(She replaced Sushree Nisheeth Khanna who shifted to Chandigarh due to her personal reasons. )