A dynamic Spiritual Organization

About Chinmaya Mission

Chinmaya Mission Amritsar is a part of global Spiritual organization called Chinmaya Mission. Chinmaya means “Pure Knowledge” and chinmaya mission, a world wide spiritual organization, is enthusiastically engaged in spreading the pure knowledge of scriptures. The Mission was established by Pujya Swami Chinmayananda, the greatest exponent of Vedanta who delivered his first 100 days Gyan Yagna on Upanishads at Pune in 1951-52.( Chinmaya Mission formally came into being on 8th Aug. 1953). Born on 8th May 1916 in Kerala – land of saints, he was initiated into sanyas by Swami Shivananda in 1949. Then he made intensive studies of Upanishads at the feet of Swami Tapovan Maharaj.

Inspired by Holy Ganga that fulfillment of any possession is in sharing it with others, Swami ji took up the great mission of explaining the Eternal Truth scientifically and logically to a common man in present day language. Swami Chinmayananda was not an individual but an institution rather a global university always on wheels and wings roaming around the entire world, instilling scriptural knowledge to the masses and thus unfolding the steps of spiritual path through Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Dhyana Yoga and Gyan Yoga.

In modern age Swami ji is acknowledged as saint who pioneered a renaissance within Hinduism- that knocked at doors, swept homes and ended the monopoly of orthodox priests over Vedanta, handing the priceless knowledge of scriptures to the masses of India and the world. His vision was so comprehensive that it included every age group as his ultimate goal was to help maximum people to transform themselves.

Hailed as the second Swami Vivekananda, Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda (1916-1993) has left a great legacy behind the mankind. On realizing the true purpose of life, he worked tirelessly and with tremendous energy for more than four decades to spread the message of Vedanta. A great orator, writer, leader, patriot and spiritual giant, he is one of the finest representatives of Indian spiritual heritage. The sprawling worldwide organization of Chinmaya Mission carries on the torch lit by this great saint.

Gurudev attained mahasamadhi on 3rd Aug. 1993. Gurudev was succeeded, by Pujya Swami Tejomaynanda who carried on the baton with great devotion and enthusiasm. Under his dynamic and benevolent leadership, Chinmaya Mission made tremendous growth both physically and spiritually. Having done so much, Swamiji decided to relinquish all administrative responsibilities to devote himself completely to his personal sadhana. So now since 19th Jan 2017 Swami Swaroopananda ji is heading the Mission as World Chief.